Social justice in the green city

10/6/2022 8:15

Where: Physical Meet: Vitenparken, Ground floor. w/ Coffee, tea, fruits++ 

Online Stream: Zoom-link

Registration: Click here

In this breakfast seminar we will dive deeper into the topic of social justice and its relation to urban spaces. Access to urban public green is unequally distributed, and the COVID-19 lockdowns have shed light on the necessity of providing equal access to green urban spaces. Urban development is increasingly oriented towards strategies for sustainability and green urbanism, but the equity implications of these developments are often overlooked. 

The implementation of strategies to improve the quality and availability of green may indeed also have unintended outcomes for the citizens, such as acting as a trigger for gentrification processes or decreasing place attachment in some part of the population.


“The main opportunities and challenges related to urban greening, with a focus on Oslo”

- Roberta Cucca, Associate Professor NMBU, Urban and Regional Planning 

“Intersectional and relational approaches to justice in urban greening strategies, with a focus on urban gardening in a multicultural area of Oslo”

- Christina Wong, Nabolagshager, MSc Urban and Regional Planning

The GreenSmart breakfast seminars are short gatherings that explore important challenges, projects, and issues. Areas of focus range broadly from topics such as urban development and agriculture to social equality and entrepreneurship.

Welcome Friday the 10th of June, 08:15!

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