SoTalk 17.17: A new infrastructure for collaboration

29/9/2021 9:00

What is SDG 17 (partnership for the goals), and how can it create change?

Based on Stockholm Resilience Center's planetary boundaries model, we know we must organize the way we work in new ways, and promote effective public, public-private, and civil society partnerships.

The 17.17 model is a solution to how different actors, people, and sectors in cities can come together to create a sustainable city transformation to reach the Paris Agreement goals.

In this SoTalk, you will hear from Julia Lipton, head of innovation at C40 who will share why we need partnerships to reach the goals, and the importance of cooperation and partnerships in urban city transformations.

You will also hear from Thomas Berman, CEO of SoCentral who developed the 17.17 model.

What is the model, how does it work, and why should you adopt it? And what has SoCentral learned from testing and scaling the model in Norway and Mauritius?

There will be time to ask questions to all the speakers at the end of the event.

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