SoTalk serie om 17.17 infrastrukturen

28/10/2021 14:00

SoTalk serie om 17.17 infrastukturen fortsetter:

Vi vet at vi må finne nye måter å samarbeide på for å nå bærekraftsmålene, men hvordan ser dette ut? SoCentral har ledet samskapingen av 17.17, en infrastuktur for samarbeid, basert på Pådriv, som et mulig svar på utfordringen. I høst vil vi arrangere en serie med SoTalks der vi ser nærmere på hva som skal til for å etablere og lykkes med den. Denne webinarserien holdes på engelsk.

28.10.2021 - SoTalk 17.17: Mobilising citizens and aligning initiatives to reach common goals

How can we mobilise and align “top and bottom-approaches” to create more sustainable city transformation? Cities are traditionally strong at setting targets, creating strategies and passing legislation (top-down), and we are seeing an increasing emphasis on citizen and stakeholder engagement and the importance of scaling behaviour change (bottom-up).

The 17.17 Infrastructure has been designed to support both. By making the city's climate and sustainability goals part of the infrastructure mandate, all activities taking place on the infrastructure will lead the city closer to its targets. The infrastructure also provides support to new strategies developed by the city. Giving cities an additional tool to implement strategies in areas like circular economy, social inclusion, green jobs and biodiversity.

At the same time every citizen who wants to take part in the development of their city can be part of and use the infrastructure. Every entrepreneur who is developing solutions for a more sustainable city can benefit from resources that exist in the infrastructure. And every local business or NGO who wants to take part in the sustainable transformation can use the infrastructure to gain new insights, develop partnerships and create viable solutions.

In this SoTalk you will hear from a politician, a city administrator, a student, an employee in a private company, a priest, an entrepreneur and a citizen on how they are using the 17.17 Infrastructure today, the value gain and the challenges they face.

You will also gain insight into how the 17.17 Infrastructure is designed to support both bottom-up and top-down involvement.

Speakers will be announced soon!

Torsdag 28.10 kl 09.00- 10.15
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